7g Oak Veneer FD60 Fire Door
The 7g Oak Veneer door comes prefinished and is manufactured and supplied under our CAF107 BWF Certifire certificate (when purchased with glazing). When fitted to the correct instructions in an appropriate frame this door will provide you with 60 minutes fire and smoke resistance (if brush strip is fitted).
Door Specification:
54mm Solid Core Door
10mm Hardwood door edgings (Complimentary Hardwood)
Crown cut oak veneer
Factory finished (un-finished doors are available on special request)
Glazing Specifications:
7g = 914x150 cut out
KSK Oak Glazing System
Firestrip60 Glazing System
Glass Options:
11.4mm Pyroguard (Clear Un-Wired)
Georgian Wire Polish Plate (Wired)
Un-Glazed (Loose Pinned Beading)
Extra Options:
Custom Sized doors up to a maximum of 2440x1220.
Intumescent fire and smoke seals 3 edges.
Acoustic upgrade.
All the above options can be implemented in your order. Please contact the sales team on 01484 434831 or use the contact us button for other options.
Storage and handling instructions click here.
Fitting instructions click here.
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